April 23, 2012


mine! :D from The Craft Potion
it was love at first sight
nak DIY sendiri mmg tidak yakin la dgn masa 32 days je lg kot
plus deal dgn yanie from TCP mmg sgt senang
mrJ yg amik this hb from yanie
so smlm br die hantar dtg rumah
awwww.. suke gileeeee!!

pic from The Craft Potion

April 20, 2012


new addition to the cards!
ni la namanye, tak de kerja, cari kerja :D
ikut ofismate pegi tempah rubber stamp for office
then suddenly rasa nak jugak, rm8 je pun :)

on legal matters, semua dah settled
dah boleh kahwin, yeay!

pening jugak at first, sbb google prosedur perkahwinan kelantan
mmg susah sgt nak jumpe
eh tak jumpa langsung kot
blur trus
so abah je settledkan smua. hihi

April 18, 2012


strawberry trifle, via 100layercake

April 17, 2012


this is our wedding card for VIP list
tak de la VIP sgt pun, just reserved utk bagi boss
guna normal card mcm yg lain, cuma add up envelope je

for card design, mmg totally me & mrJ yg buat
eh aku je yg buat sbenarnya, mrJ tukang approve je :P

and to add up bg nampak vintage skit, wrap dgn doilies
ikat dgn kraft tag, yg di DIY jugak
and for envelope, beli kraft paper
then tambah la doilies & red felt

so kirenye sume mmg blasah DIY la
cuma part printing card je hantar kt utusan sehari :)

April 16, 2012


finally, dah pegang kad kawen sendiri
before ni kad kawen org je kan :)

eh lg 39 days dah nak kawen?
dup dap dup dap
rumah pun belum jumpa lagi ni

April 13, 2012


#bunting one
will proceed with this design
nak guna utk guest wishes kot

#bunting two
design still blum finalized
aku dah buat 3 designs, mrJ yg akan pilih which one will be printed out
design no1 dah kena reject sbb dia kata gambar ni a bit tak tak proper utk orang tua :P

April 12, 2012


kerja minggu ini
punch kotak, ikat ribbon
240 boxes to go!
wekk nak muntah

April 9, 2012


CD from hafiz dah dpt
yeay! loved it :)

card from utusan sehari pulak in printing process, this week siap insyaAllah
should be siap last week, tp dia silap print size pulak
so pending lg

anyway, utusan sehari bagi 2 free bunting
idea,pls lah datang! :P

we're thinking nak buat ala picture canvas
tanak nampak mcm bunting sgt
and another one nak buat ala guest book
ok susah nak explain
will update pictures here, later :)

April 8, 2012


combination of tissue flower and paper flower
saje nak menghabiskan manila kad yg bersepah dekat rumah

maybe akan digunakan as backdrop la kot
gune peniti lekat kan dekat kain? no?

April 7, 2012


reality check

fren: kau kawen next month kan?
aku: ha? mei?
fren: bulan depan la.
aku: a'ah la kn,bulan depan

gile cepat masa berlalu

April 4, 2012


this will be my backdrop for bersanding at kelantan
diy-ed by abah

this will be my backdrop for makan beradab
diy-ed by me

get the idea? :P

April 3, 2012


WANT this!

we're thinking to buy platform bed, without headboard
then headbord tu tempah kt tukang kayu
possible? no?

April 2, 2012


currently I'm working on this

and this

wed preps dh slow down a bit
since most of DIY preps dh settled, insyaAllah
we've been huntin for houses, now
a small cosy home, for us :)

April 1, 2012


nak ni,pls!
u can find tutorial here: bits of splendor