February 19, 2012


ring for hantaran nikah utk mrJ = checked!

necklace for me = still pending. boo hoo!

we've bought limited edition locket from somewhere out of malaysia
so bwk la pegi kedai emas kt tjg malim (hometown mrJ)
beli necklace kt kedai tu la nak match dgn locket tu
skali die salah pateri,trus rosak :(

boleh tak kedai tu nak byr 60% of the cost je?
kepala hotak la kan?
so skrg kitorg nak order locket tu
then suruh kedai emas tu byr full cost
if not, nak bwk ke tribunal pengguna la kot

we've called the person in charge
he need to check with HQ first
50-50 ade ke tak

benciii! nak locket 100% sama mcm yg lama tu jugak!

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